A Magyar Mikroszkópos Társaság Alapszabálya



Name of the Association in Hungarian: Magyar Mikroszkópos Társaság (hereinafter referred to as the Society)
in English: Hungarian Society for Microscopy
in German: Ungarische Gesellschaft für Mikroskopie
in French: Société Hongroise de Microscopie

Society’s Abbreviated name in English: HSM
The Society considers itself to be a professional successor  of the Electron Microscopy Division of the Measurement and Automation Association.
The area of ​​operation of the Society is the Republic of Hungary
The headquarters of the Society: MTA Institute of Technical Physics and Materials Science 1121 Budapest, Konkoly Thege M. út 29-33. | mail address: 1525 Budapest, Pf 49.
The official language of the Society is Hungarian
The seal of the Society: the logo with the inscription: The Hungarian Microscopic Society
The Society is a financially independent, independent legal entity, a voluntary association of microscopic imaging and testing professionals.

Purpose of the Society
The main goal is the study of microscopic imaging, testing procedures, and related sciences, promotion of their social use, training of professionals and protection of professional interests