Bogdan Vasile, a Román Elektronmikroszkópos Társaság elnöke levelet küldött, melyben októberi konferenciájukra invitálja társaságunk tagjait. A helyszín a kincses Kolozsvár, a konferencia regisztrációs költsége 300€, és a helyszíntől öt percre lévő szállodában napi 100€ körüli a szállásköltség.
Akit érdekel ez a lehetőség, Kolozsvárra is szívesen ellátogatna, kérem, olvassa el az alábbiakat, jelentkezzen a konferenciára, és részvételével vigye jó hírét a magyar mikroszkóposoknak, találjon jó kapcsolatokat román-magyar kollegáinkkal!
„It is our great pleasure to invite you to participate in the 5th edition of the Romanian Electron Microscopy Society National Conference (CREMS) with international participation. In this regard, we kindly ask you to disseminate this invitation and the details of our conference to all the members of your esteemed Electron Microscopy Society.
The conference will be held on October 18-21 in Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
Similar to the last edition’s structure, the conference will be organized in three areas:
1. Electron microscopy in Life Sciences
2. Electron microscopy in Materials Science
3. Equipment and technology for electron microscopy
Under Sections 1 and 2, participants will have the opportunity to present, in the form of an oral presentation and/or poster, original scientific results based on the use of microscopy in life sciences and materials science.
Under Section 3, representatives of companies producing specialized equipment, and representatives of the participating institutions will have the opportunity to present installations and high-end devices in the field of electron microscopy and to make a short presentation of the electron microscopy laboratories to which they belong to.
On behalf of the organizing committee, I invite you to support the conference proceedings by submitting valuable scientific contributions related to the presented topics.
The abstracts should be submitted using the format of the conference until 15 September 2023 (available on the website of the conference). All submitted abstracts will be analyzed by the organizing committee of the conference and an acceptance notification will be sent to all participants.”