
Name:                                         HUNGARIAN SOCIETY for MICROSCOPY
headquarters:                           1083 Budapest, Szigony u. 43.
Tax Registration Number:                                        18045477-1-43
Number in Register of Companies:                          6PK69997-2
Statistical Registration Identification Code:              266295

Cégkapu címe:                          18045477#cegkapu
Cégkapu neve:                          Magyar Mikroszkópos Társaság


OTP (1051 Budapest, Nádor utca 16.)
account:                      11711034-20805412
IBAN :                          HU24117110342080541200000000
SWIFT kód :                 OTPVHUHB


Applicants for HSM membership should notify their intention to join by e-mail the Secretary of the Society (currently: Dr. Evelin  Orsó,
The e-mail must contain the applicant’s full name, e-mail address, and affiliation, together with his/her postal address.
The membership fee must be paid according to the position indicated on the website.

The HSM membership includes the EMS membership, too.

member:                     5000 Ft
student member:         3000 Ft

If a retired or student member does not require EMB membership, his/her membership is free.
If someone wishes to receive an invoice for the payment of the membership fee should send an e-mail to the Secretary.