The 2019 Hungarian Innovation Grand Prix was won by 3DHISTECH as the appreciation of their work with the development, production, successful sale on the international and domestic market and financial result of the PANNORAMIC medical diagnostic instrument family. This medical-pathological diagnostic instrument will be delivered not only to domestic hospitals, but also to Western European countries, and from 2019 to… Teljes cikk »
Az OLYMPUS/Unicam pályázatot hirdet az Élenjáró Mikroszkópos és Vizsgálati Megoldások* előadássorozatra jelentkezők között. PÁLYÁZATI FELTÉTELEK Pályázni az előadássorozat bármelyik előadásáról írt 350-500 szavas esszével, összefoglalóval-ismertetővel lehet. A jeligés pályázatokat a pályázatok számától függően összeállított független zsűri olvassa és bírálja majd el. Az első három helyezett egy-egy Olympus terméket, a nyertes egy PEN típusú fényképezőgépet kap. Az eredményről a helyezettek értesítést kapnak, előzetes egyeztetés után nyereményüket vagy elküldik számukra, vagy személyesen… Teljes cikk »
The scope of ELMINA2020 will be focused on electron microscopy methods applied to nanoscience and nanotechnology (physics, chemistry, materials science, earth and life sciences). It will highlight recent progress in instrumentation, imaging and data analysis, large data set handling, as well as time and environment dependent processes. The scientific program contains the following topics: Instrumentation and New Methods Diffraction and Crystallography HRTEM… Teljes cikk »
Due to the COVID-19 outbreak and the uncertainty surrounding the situation, HSM board finally decided to cancel this year’s conference which was planned between May 21-23, 2020 in Siófok. Thank you very much to all the applicants for honoring us with your trust and we are very sorry that we will not be able to meet you this May. Of… Teljes cikk »
This spring is not only about trouble it has brought good, too. Dr. János Lábár, the President of the Scientific Council at MFA, his workplace, a colleague of ours and whose very lucid, well-presented lectures we could enjoyed at several HSM conferences, received a high state award on 15th of March this year. Wikipedia also explains the reasoning behind the… Teljes cikk »
Those who have only known about Academia Europae as an organization where the membership is an honor and one can be nominated irrespectively of the area of research, now have the opportunity to be familiar with the Young Academy of Europe, which was founded in 2012. Among the prerequisites of its membership are the professional excellence and active and effective… Teljes cikk »
On December 17, 2019, for the 31st time, the Gábor Dénes Prize, established by the NOVOFER Foundation, was presented. Our litle web site reported about the previous event in 2018, because then our two fellow members received this high recognition. Now Csaba Balázsi received the Gábor Dénes Prize, and Dezső Szigethy received the Gábor Dénes Life Achievement Award. Excerpts from… Teljes cikk »
Thursday is just like another weekday, it is full of lectures at Semmelweis University. However, Nov 21, 2019, was a special Thursday. In spite of the fact that education had to be continued, on the afternoon of the 21st, everyone who could visit the second-floor lecture hall of the Institute of Anatomy to congratulate the 90 years old Dr. Pál… Teljes cikk »
This year’s Multinational Congress on Microscopy (MCM) was held between September 15-20 2019, in Belgrade. The number of Hungarian participants was not too many, though we couldn’t complain, as we had invited speakers and chairs, and we even got a plenary presentation. András Kovács had a great lecture on his new achievements on magnetic nanostructures. His precisely structured and therefore… Teljes cikk »
On the 20th of August, “ZOLTÁN KÓNYA, Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Department of Applied Chemistry and Department of Chemistry of the Faculty of Science and Informatics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, was decorated with the Hungarian Order of Merit Officer’s Cross Civil Section. On behalf of the HSM we congratulate Zoltán Kónya on this great award … Teljes cikk »