Invitation to the 12th Asia Pacific Microscopy Conference

The Electron Microscope Society of India (EMSI) which is affiliated to International Federation of Societies for Microscopy (part of International Council of Science) has been given the opportunity to organize the 12th Asia Pacific Microscopy Conference during 03-07, February 2020 (APMC 2020) at Hyderabad International Convention Centre (HICC), Hyderabad, India. The APMC – an international event is organized every four years, under the auspices of CAPSM – Committee of Asia-Pacific Society for Microscopy -comprising of 17 countries.

This time the APMC will be held in conjunction with the annual conference and the XL (40th) meeting (AGM) of the EMSI, which is one of the oldest scientific societies of our country. It is anticipated that over a thousand scientists, researchers and students using different microscopy tools and techniques along with instrument manufacturers across the world will be the conference.

More details about the conference are given in the attached brochure and further details are available at the website. There will be several sessions on Materials Science, Life Sciences and Other Materials. Details of topics are available here.