Offered by an old member of HSM

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Ági Bodor, a PhD student of László Acsády for more than ten years ago, after finishing her PhD work, went to Washington, the north-western state of the USA, and in 2013 she joined the Allen Institute. Here,  one of the major research projects is to map the brain as precise and detailed way as it is possible. The MICrONS Explorer… Teljes cikk »

TESCAN webinar. Advanced 3D characterization of sensitive biological samples

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The webinar will introduce techniques such as Serial Block-Face Imaging (SBFI), and 3D FIB-SEM tomography using Ga-FIB for precise and highly detailed analysis, and plasma Xe-FIB for large volume analysis. The webinars will be available in the morning and afternoon of May 19, 2020. Registration here

ELMINA2020 has been postponed

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ELMINA2020 conference will not be held in September 2020 due to the current status of the pandemic, it has been postponed for the next year.

emc2020 has been cancelled

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Dear EMS members, As you already know from the organisers of EMC2020, we will not meet in Copenhagen this summer. This is of course unfortunate and we deeply regret the fact, but have to accept it in the light of the current circumstances. Future options are under study, you will be kept informed. We plan to hold an on-line General… Teljes cikk »

A successful woman

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The titles of articles can easily be misleading. Even in the case of scientific articles, it may happen that, based on the excerpts read with great anticipation, we expect more from the communication than we receive with  thorough reading and evaluation of the results. However, the article written about our Kati Balázsi in the magazine entitled “Sikeres Nők” (Successful Women)… Teljes cikk »

Innovation Award 2019 for Femtonics Ltd.

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The Hungarian Association for Innovation founded the Innovation Grand Prize in 1993 to recognize domestic companies that achieved outstanding, profitable results in the preceding year. The Association’s committee, chaired by the president of the National Research, Development, and Innovation Office (NKFIH), selected the recipient of the 2019 Innovation Grand Prize from among 46 applicants, and awarded a further seven prizes…. Teljes cikk »

During epidemics: Antiseptic nano-silver particles in aberration-corrected electron microscope

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Since now everybody may learn from the work of our colleagues Béla Pécz and György Zoltán Radnóczi that there is a Hungarian disinfectant product called Nanosept, which contains silver nanoparticles. In Hungary this product is  used for disinceting buses and shopping center premises. As citizens of the state and especially of Budapest, we are happy about this, but as blood… Teljes cikk »

2019 Innovation Grand Prix for 3DHISTECH

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The 2019 Hungarian Innovation Grand Prix was won by 3DHISTECH as the appreciation of their work with the development, production, successful sale on the international and domestic market and financial result of the PANNORAMIC medical diagnostic instrument family. This medical-pathological diagnostic instrument will be delivered not only to domestic hospitals, but also to Western European countries, and from 2019 to… Teljes cikk »

PÁLYÁZATI LEHETŐSÉG Élenjáró mikroszkópos és vizsgálati megoldások 

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Az OLYMPUS/Unicam pályázatot hirdet az  Élenjáró Mikroszkópos és Vizsgálati Megoldások* előadássorozatra jelentkezők között. PÁLYÁZATI  FELTÉTELEK Pályázni az előadássorozat bármelyik előadásáról írt 350-500 szavas esszével, összefoglalóval-ismertetővel lehet. A jeligés pályázatokat a pályázatok számától függően összeállított független zsűri olvassa és bírálja majd el. Az első három helyezett egy-egy Olympus terméket, a nyertes egy PEN típusú fényképezőgépet kap. Az eredményről a helyezettek  értesítést kapnak, előzetes egyeztetés  után nyereményüket vagy elküldik számukra, vagy személyesen… Teljes cikk »


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The scope of ELMINA2020 will be focused on electron microscopy methods applied to nanoscience and nanotechnology (physics, chemistry, materials science, earth and life sciences). It will highlight recent progress in instrumentation, imaging and data analysis, large data set handling, as well as time and environment dependent processes.  The scientific program contains the following topics: Instrumentation and New Methods Diffraction and Crystallography HRTEM… Teljes cikk »