Author Archives: Ágnes Kittel

Ildikó Bódi was awarded the Lenhosses Prize!

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After two whort weeks of our annual conference, the Semmelweis University hosted the joint traveling meeting of FAMÉ / Hungarian Society of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology, Hungarian Anatomical Society, Hungarian Society of Microcirculation and Vascular Biology, and Hungarian Physiological Society. We report about this event here because one of our fellow members, Dr. Ildikó Bódi, received the prestigious Lenhosses award…. Teljes cikk »

HSM Annual conference 2019

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The HSM 2019 program started in a warm atmosphere in spite of the slightly cool weather. Later the atmosphere did not change and the weather improved a lot, so hopefully every participant could feel no time wasted on two full days in Siófok. Our most famous guest was Professor Harald Rose (University of Ulm, Ulm, Germany), who was able to… Teljes cikk »

Invitation to the Annual General Meeting

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The program of our annual conferences includes the Friday evening assembly. While the board of our society meets twice or three times a year, this meeting is the only one for the members of our society when they can add their comments on a topic they consider important as well as everybody can publicly ask questions to the board members,… Teljes cikk »

Program of HSM 2019

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Although later than it was expected, but finally the program of our HSM 2019 conference is already available on our new website! However, before any words about the program, I have to call the attention for an essential thing. Our “new look” should not have been possible without the work of László Barna,  and during especially at the first steps,… Teljes cikk »

A conference in Rome

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Stefania Meschini, Vice President of the Italian Microscope Society / SISM / and senior member of the Italian Institute of Health (Istituto Superiore di Sanita) sent us an invitation for a conference held  between June 19-20, 2019 in Rome. Conference title: “Therapeutic Nanoproducts: From Biology to Innovative Technology“ As the title indicates, the program can be interesting to both material… Teljes cikk »

Dénes/Dennis Gábor Prize 2018

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Although those who occasionally proudly mention how many Nobel laureates we have are, there are certainly not many who could list the seventeen Nobel laureates who had some kind of Hungarian affiliation. However, three names are probably known to most of the Hungarians with secondary education.  The first one is definitely Albert Szent-Györgyi , probably the second who as a… Teljes cikk »

Katalin Balázsi and the first Nature Innovating Science Award

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Katalin Balázsi is not only a successful researcher, head one of the MFA departments, secretary and treasurer of the Hungarian Association for Materials Science and also for the Hungarian Microscopic Society, but she is one of the founders and current chairmen of the Association for Women in Science /its Hungarian acronym is NaTE/ . For all of us who know… Teljes cikk »