Preparation for our conference

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This year our conference provides several novelties for the members of our Society. Although we can’t meet in person in May, the conference will be shorter than usual, but we will have it.Thanks to everyone who submitted a presentation, to those who registered as an audience, and to companies that support the HSM, they have presentations and have plans for… Teljes cikk »

Lecture by Béla Pécz at the ELTE

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The series of lectures titled “From atoms to stars” was edited with the undisguised aim of drawing the attention of high school students who are considering admission to university to the possibilities offered by ELTE. Besides, these lectures also present the latest and most interesting results in physics. On February 11th, Béla Pécz, director of the Institute of Technical Physics… Teljes cikk »


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Due to the epidemic situation, we will hold our event online on May 13, 2021, using the Zoom program. It will be quite different from our previous conferences, we will miss the personal meeting, but now we have only this opportunity to present and discuss the results of Hungarian microscopic research. Nor can we forget that many of the methods… Teljes cikk »

Afterlife of a cancelled conference

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According to an old Jeol poster, “Microscopists are beautiful people“. Naturally, we agree with that, but we add, they are not only beautiful but ingenious, too. This year, unfortunately, we had to cancel the Siófok conference, and in the autumn we couldn’t organize that highly expected one-and-a-half-day event either, but the epidemic could not stop everything! True, compared to previous… Teljes cikk »

2021 “Mary Fortune Diversity Medal” for Katalin Balázsi

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The beautiful long title is the name of the award won by our Katalin Balázsi. And since Tamás Szabolics put it so nicely in the news on the ELRN Energy Science Research Center, I quote him: “One of the most prestigious professional journals, the management of Acta Materialia, awarded Katalin Balázsi, Head of the Laboratory of Thin Film Physics at the… Teljes cikk »

Virtual Early Career European Microscopy Congress 2020

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Although emc2020 had to be cancelled/postponed, this virtual meeting held between November 24-26 2020, will provide an opportunity for Early Career Scientists who would have attended and presented at the original congress. Who are in the very early part of their career,  such as students or less than 3 years have passed since the completion of their PhD by November 2020… Teljes cikk »

Csaba Cserép and Balázs Pósfai the winners of the EMS OPA Award in Life Sciences

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As all member of EMS may know, the “Outstanding Paper Award” is an annual award. You can apply for this award with publications in which the scientific value, technical and general quality of the microscopic work is outstanding. The award is announced in the categories of Instrumentation and Technical Development, Materials Science and Life Sciences. Winners receive € 1,000, a… Teljes cikk »

The discovery of Péter Horváth’ team may also help the defense against COVID-19

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Péter Horváth, director of the Institute of Biochemistry of the BRC, head of the Biomag research group, and his colleagues gave lectures at several of our conferences. They developed a hybrid method in which an in-depth learning method generates artificial examples and teaches another intelligent method based on them. The method was recently published in the most prestigious journal of… Teljes cikk »

Individual atoms in a protein are visible under cryo-EM

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The fantastic result achieved using cryo-electron microscopy was posted on the same day (May 22, 2020) by two groups on the bioRxih server. One study is led by Holger Stark, a biochemist and electron microscopist  at the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry in Göttingen, while the other’s leaders were Sjors Scheres and Radu Aricescu, structural biologists at the Medical… Teljes cikk »

Kavli Prize for Professor Harald Rose!

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Last year profesor Harald Rose from the University of Ulm was our distinguished guest at our annual conference held in Siófok. He gave a briliant lecture, as a person who, besides his vast knowledge, also know precisely what fits their audience needs the best in the given situation. We all listened to his performance with pleasure. He enjoyed our company… Teljes cikk »